Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Moments - Ep.1 ♥

Hey people, this is my first fanfic starring mainly Louis Tomlinson and i'm working with #imagines from . I hope it works out well , fingers crossed! The people in this story DO exist , so if you wanna be in the story , just tweet me @affhsyz or pm me on Facebook : Afifah Syaza .

Sasha Tommo .

-The Avory's residence, 4.30PM-

Sasha's pov : As i painted my toenails on my bed with my cousin Hannah, i flashbacked on the story of my life. NurAfifahSyazaAbdolGhaniLoh . My cousins here can't pronounce my name properly, so they call me Sasha. Turning 16 this year, sweet sixteen ! I go to Welwyn Upper School and i play on a girls' soccer team , WUFC with my goodfriends.

#One Thing Playing.

Hannah: *looks up* your phone's ringing.

Sasha: I knew that !

Hannah: right. answer ittttt :p

Sasha: hello?

Maddie: I AMYOUR WORST NIGHTMARE . *scary tone*

Sasha: oh hey madds.

Maddie: i missed you, idiot. Wanna go for a couple of kicks?

Sasha: sure, i'll beat the courtfield in about 20.

Maddie: minutes?

Sasha: No, seconds -.-

Maddie: ok! see ya there!

Sasha: *logs onto twitter s @affhsyz and check TL/mentions*

@Sixsomewith1D : Omgmgomg, One Direction's in our neighbourhood!

@FairyshaIrwahyu: I love @NiallOfficial OMGOMGOMG ♥

*tweets* @affhsyz oklolwhuut so many things abut OneDirection! mwehehe. @FairyshaIrwahyu , meetat the courtfield nowww , soccer . xx

-At the courtfield-

Sasha: *waves at Farysha, Maddie and Eli- HEYYYYY.

Farysha: *stares into space dreamily*

Sasha: what's she staring at?

Maddie: tha blonde guy over there. wha's his name again, ohyeah Nail.

Farysha: its Niall -.-

Sasha: its our court. >.< they can't just play on our court! I'm going to have a talk with them!

Farysha: i wanna followwww . ♥v♥

Niall: hey ladies. came to watch us play? ;D and hello beautiful . *winks at Farysha*

Farysha: *face turns so red that even i cannot tell you how red* hi. :D

Louis: what's going on here Niall?

Niall: ummmm.... idon't know? *blurface*

Sasha: you're playing on WUFC property lads.

Louis: ohhh so you're the team we'll be playing against! oh god, you? HAHAHAHAHAH. you look girly !

Sasha: if we're so "girly" , why not play a friendly match ? 4-On-4 .

Niall: what do we get if we win?

Sasha: idk, whaddya want?

Niall: a date with your gorgeous friend.

Farysha's pov : OMG OMG OMG I'M GONNA MELT :O

Sasha: if we win, you do dares from us for 2 days.

Louis: ok!

-AFTER THEGAME- Boys : 1 , Girls : 0 .

*At the bleachers*

Louis: toldya ;)

Sasha: shuttup :x *whips phone out and looks at time*

Louis: Nice wallpaper.

Sasha's pov: I looked at my wallpaper. It was a picture of him! Ohgodno, BUSTED!

-pov over-

Sasha: *mumbles* Ohno . *buries head in hands*

Louis: Is he your boyfriend? :p

Sasha: Haha, I wish. Oh wait, what i meant was, he's not my boyfriend.

Louis: Poor lad, i bet he wishes he were your boyfriend . :P

Sasha: *blushes* ummmh, i uh um uh hhahah.... shoot. *bites lip*

Louis: you're cute.

Sasha: ummmmh, thanks. <:

*Meanwhile, with Niall.*

Niall: *eating nando's likeaboss*

Farysha: whatcha eating...?

Niall: Nando's .

Farysha: what are Nando's ?

Niall: you don't know Nando's ? Omg, you need to try one now! :O *hands her a chicken drumlet*

Farysha: *chews part of it off* Ohmygod i love it! :D

Niall: hey, you've got a little something. *wipes farysha's cheeks and licks his thumb* yum.

Farysha: ohhh, god . that's so embarassing!

Niall: hahahahaahahha, no it was cute!

ok, end of ep.1 ! what did you think? was it good?
Comment please or give me a tweet @affhsyz!
SashaTommo. ♥

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