Sunday 26 February 2012

Chapter 2 - Another World (Part 2)

Chapter 2 - Another World .(part 2)

I breathed heavily as i arrived home. I had to admit, Louis was a fast runner. Louis was on the front porch, gaping at me. 

'Aw, do i look that bad?' I asked, looking at Lou's expression. Maybe my hair was messy. Maybe the hem of my dress tore abit. Oh no. 'you're really pale, and you're out of breath.' He said in a worried tone. Then, without warning, the whole world faded to black. 

'Don't move,' a deep voice said.

I felt the bright light first, burning through my closed eyes, forcing me to turn my head away from the glare. As i moved, i felt a sharp pain searing through me. 

'Sis, i know you're not big on following the rules, but when you're told to stay still, you might want to do as told.' I recognised the voice. It was Nialler's. 

I blinked and swallowed. I looked up to see Niall dabbing a damp, small towel on my forehead and four pairs of eyes looking back at me. Liam, Andrea, Harry and Zayn all shared the same worried expression except for Louis, who was sound asleep at the end of the bed.

And then somehow I found the strength to say, "What happened?" 

I didn't know what day or what time it was, but judging from their faces, I might've been pretty knocked out for a couple of days. 

'He stayed up all night to look after you. He didn't know that you were prone to asthma,' Liam explained calmly. 

'Then.... Where's Farysha and Natasha..?' I asked, my eyes scanning the room.

'They had to leave.... Urgent matters.' Zayn said flatly, as if he was hiding something from me. 

'Umm.....okay...' I didn't know what to say so I just glanced down and clutched my duvet. 

Suddenly, Louis rubbed his eyes and stretched. 'oh hey babe, i'm so glad you finally woke up.' he said. I giggled when he called me babe. Like a giggly, waggly girl. But wait, I bet he's said that to millions of girls before. 

He slinged an arm around my shoulder. He seemed comfortable. Then Niall announced 'Liam, Andrea and I are gonna go to the supermarket. Lou, I'm trusting you to take care of her. Don't get too comfy, I've got eyes on you.' OH YES ! Some alone time with him, finally. As if he knew what my mind had said, he winked at me. 

'I'm sorry. I promise to make it up to you. It was stupid of me to put you through that situation.' Louis said, while holding my hands. Shit. I hope that my palms won't start to sweat. I pouted, wanting him to comfort me more. And then, he did the most unexpected thing. Ever. He kissed me. Boy was it good. My first kiss turned out better than I had expected. His lips were warm and soft. 

When he opened his eyes, he said 'let's go to Down Under.' It was a nightclub. Wait, I'm underaged. By 2 years. How the hell am I supposed to get in?! But not wanting to pass out on the offer, I nodded and went upstairs to change my clothes. Hm. I decided not to look too skanky, nor too goody-two-shoes, so I went with a simple sleeveless pink knit top which made my waist look smaller, but showed cleavage. I had a tough time deciding between blue denim shorts or black skinnys, In the end, i decided to go with the blue denims in the end. I slipped on a pair of red vans and applied some eyeliner. Damn I looked hot, if I may say so myself. When I entered the lamborghini, his eyes widened. Typical. 

As we stopped at a traffic-light, I looked over to Louis and found him staring down my top. For the third time. I nudged him playfully. 

"Sorry, can't help it. I had no idea how hot you were under those sweatshirts."

I blushed. Once we reached the club, Louis flicked the keys to a valet. The valet winked and said 'New flavour of the week Tom?' DA FUG . what was that I supposed to mean?! Lou just grinned and said 'Ass, she's different.' The valet walked away, chuckling. 

As we approached the entrance of the club, the bouncer took a glance at me and said, 'back of the line miss." I gaped, not knowing what to say. 'Its okay Jack, she's with me,' Louis said, resting his arm around my waist. As I walked into the club, many onlookers groaned. Some of them even said, 'But she's not even of legal age!' Oh bitch please, you are SO jealous. 

It was a dim and loud place. Frankly I felt kind of lost. Then we saw Harry sitting by the bar with a couple of ladies purposely doing sexy moves to catch his eye. Lou and I approached him. Harry was one of my goodfriends, ever. I knew him ever since the X-Factor. He always had a mind thinking that I'd spread my legs last year. He glanced at me and said "planning to pop your cherry tonight Sasha?" I hit his arm playfully. Then Louis took a seat next to me and put a protective arm around me and scolded Harry for his insensitivity. 

I smiled in gratitude until he said, 'And besides, if anyone is going to service Sasha for the first time, it should be me. I have better experience.' 

I shrugged off his arm and flipped him off. 

"That's right babe, I'm number one. You know you want me." 

The boys laughed hysterically at their joke as I did my best to ignore them. Suddenly, a rythmic, fast-paced song played and everyone scattered on the dance floor. Everyone except Louis and
myself. I thought that I'd look silly if I tried too hard to do dirty dancing. Andrea would've prolly become the sexiest dancer there. 

I couldn't have been more wrong. 

"Sasha, I know we tease you about the whole losing virgitnity thing, but I want you to know that I'm there for you."

I smiled. "I know you've got my back Louis." 

He looked stunned then let out a bark of laughter. 

"What's so funny?" 

"When I say I'm there for you Horan, I mean I'm there for you. I'm single, you're single, it could get pretty hot, don't you think?" 

Aha, Louis was definitely drunk. I saw that he had finished 4 glasses of wine. No wonder. 

"You make me so happy. Now it's time for me to return the favour. I'd be gentle, and I promise" - he grinned- "it wouldn't suck." 

"Are you offering to take my v-status away?" I sputtered. 

He gave me one of his lopsided smiles that made girls forgive him almost everything. "Come on, Sasha. You've never thought what it'd be like between us? Really?" well, I have. But not to be taken seriously. 

"ummmm...." I said, biting my lip. 

"Horan, I've been trying to get you naked since the summer before our first tour," he slurred. Yep, he wasn't aware of what he was saying. 

He leaned towards me, placing his hand on my face. I hate to admit it, but I was more than a little intrigued at the turn of events. Half the female population waited with bated breath for Alyssa, his ex, to dump him so they'd have a shot. But he was offering himself. To me. Me?! 

Suddenly, he backed away and said "Dont sweat it Sasha. Breathe. Its all good." 

I was stunned. "you sure?" 

"yeah. But if you ever change your mind, just holler. I'll come running," he said, embracing me tight. 

I let him go but couldn't step away as he continued to hug me, even going so far as to run his hands down my back, pulling me closer to his chest, if that were possible. Realisation dawned too late. 

"Uh, Louis? Are you copping a feel?" 

He smiled devilishly and released me. "hell yeah. If I dont get to play with 'em, I atleast want to feel 'em," and then he fell into my arms. He got knocked out.  I asked the bar-tender to get a large glass of punch before leaving. Then I felt dizzy. Harry approached me saying, "oh no. Did you drink too?" I shook my head. "was only punch... Louis... Head...dizzy..." I slurred, beginning to lose consciousness. "problem is, they spike all the drinks here." he explained, getting blurrier by the second. 

Then, I'm pretty sure that I had my first Hangover. 

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